Moving In Harmony With The Summer Solstice Jun 16, 2024

The summer solstice is here. I don't celebrate it per se, but I do acknowledge it. I feel like my ancestors - our ancestors? - probably celebrated it. Maybe we could learn a thing or two from them.


The summer solstice, in the northern hemisphere, is the moment of our year when the most ...

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The True Meaning of Fear Feb 08, 2024

Fear is the most powerful emotion on Earth. Not because it's the highest frequency emotion (it's not), but because it's used to silence, manipulate, constrain, and disempower. And it's been used for so long in this manner that we've become accustomed to it.

It's done subtly, unconsciously. Sure,...

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The Big Ugly Blob of Self-Doubt Nov 20, 2023

Self-doubt is the big, ugly blob that hangs over everything. It distorts our perceptions and dulls life around us.

I'm not talking about the doubt that has you thinking you might not clear the hurdle because you haven't run track in 10 years. No. I'm talking about the doubt that keeps you from...

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Honoring You Apr 22, 2023

We get so caught up in our drive to heal, to grow, to level up that it's easy to slip into a go-go-go mentality where we relentlessly push forward, ever on to the next thing. We try a new meditation, we jump into a yoga class, we adopt a new gratitude habit all in the name of betterment and peace...

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The Great Lie Feb 15, 2023

The great lie is that we are all disconnected ... disconnected from Source/Soul/God, disconnected from each other.

It's easy to buy this as true because the message is everywhere, beginning in our earliest teachings and interactions. It's subtle yet pervasive and so matter of fact.


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Return Of The Light Dec 13, 2022

It's easy to overlook the magic of Winter Solstice. It's smack in the middle of the busy holiday season. Our to-do lists in preparation for holiday gatherings and all the festivities keep us busy - mind numbingly so.

When we get beyond the busyness, we notice how the increasingly shortening...

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Answering The Call From The Universe Nov 16, 2022

The universe is inviting us to grow, to step into the next phase, the next level of our evolution.

We're familiar with the person we've been up until this point, right? We know her wounds, the trauma she's carried. We recognize how she views the world; we identify with it, we stay in it.

But now...

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Subtle Fears Do The Most Damage Aug 28, 2022

I've worked with a lot of beautiful souls over the years and one thing that every client has struggled with is fear. It is so prevalent that I'm thinking it must be part of the human experience.


You're in line to incarnate onto Earth? Hold up while we install the fear program.



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Connecting With The Summer Solstice Jun 18, 2022

Some people make a big ta-do about the arrival of the Summer Solstice, while other folks don’t pay any attention at all. For me, there’s a quiet sacredness to the whole thing that I find very inviting. It’s a marker of sorts, a reminder to pause, tune in and connect to the...

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Truth Bomb: You Choose to Limit Yourself Apr 25, 2022

Every time you say “I can’t,” you limit yourself.

Every time you shut down your curiosity, you limit yourself. 

Every time you accept someone else’s version of you, you limit yourself. 

Every time you take on another’s judgment of you, you limit yourself.


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What Does Calling In Protection Really Do? Mar 25, 2022

There’s a popular belief in the meta community that says before you do any serious spiritual work, you have to call in protection for yourself. This usually involves a protocol where you enact precise rituals, or recite specific prayers, or call on certain angels, or surround yourself with...

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Where Are You Playing The Waiting Game? Mar 18, 2022

Are you a lurker when it comes to your healing? Do you take in all the information and then not act or put into practice what you’ve taken in? This was me. I had this habit of grabbing all the instructions and all the ideas, filing them away in my brain, and then moving on to the next...

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