The True Meaning of Fear

Fear is the most powerful emotion on Earth. Not because it's the highest frequency emotion (it's not), but because it's used to silence, manipulate, constrain, and disempower. And it's been used for so long in this manner that we've become accustomed to it.

It's done subtly, unconsciously. Sure,...

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The Big Ugly Blob of Self-Doubt

Self-doubt is the big, ugly blob that hangs over everything. It distorts our perceptions and dulls life around us.

I'm not talking about the doubt that has you thinking you might not clear the hurdle because you haven't run track in 10 years. No. I'm talking about the doubt that keeps you from...

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Honoring You

We get so caught up in our drive to heal, to grow, to level up that it's easy to slip into a go-go-go mentality where we relentlessly push forward, ever on to the next thing. We try a new meditation, we jump into a yoga class, we adopt a new gratitude habit all in the name of betterment and peace...

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The Great Lie

The great lie is that we are all disconnected ... disconnected from Source/Soul/God, disconnected from each other.

It's easy to buy this as true because the message is everywhere, beginning in our earliest teachings and interactions. It's subtle yet pervasive and so matter of fact.


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The Empath Label

Do you call yourself an empath? I did. For a long time. I was looking for a way to explain why I was so sensitive, how I was able to feel other people’s emotions, why I always needed down time after being in a large group. So I went searching for answers and stumbled upon the label of...

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Are You In Your Body?

Are you in your body? Weird question, right? You’re most likely sitting down, scrolling social media and reading this, so, of course, you’re in your body. Actually, chances are good that, if you’re like most people, you spend a lot of time OUT of your body.


What does this...

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