The Empath Label

Do you call yourself an empath? I did. For a long time. I was looking for a way to explain why I was so sensitive, how I was able to feel other people’s emotions, why I always needed down time after being in a large group. So I went searching for answers and stumbled upon the label of...

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Have you ever paid attention to the words you use … especially when referencing Self? Words carry energy; energy creates our reality. What sorts of realities are you creating – or reinforcing – for yourself with the words you use? For example: when you say “I’m...

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Words As Spells

Words are powerful. This saying has been around for ages. We’ve heard it so many times that it’s become part of the background. Its meaning doesn’t register when we come across it in written form or when we hear someone say it. Not fully, anyway. Not in a way that makes us stop...

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