Moving In Harmony With The Summer Solstice

The summer solstice is here. I don't celebrate it per se, but I do acknowledge it. I feel like my ancestors - our ancestors? - probably celebrated it. Maybe we could learn a thing or two from them.


The summer solstice, in the northern hemisphere, is the moment of our year when the most light is available to us.

Light carries data.

Light carries frequencies.

Light carries expansion codes.

This - summer, in general - is something I wait all year for. The warmth. The sunshine. Going barefoot.

And while I'm enjoying the warm outdoors, the light is feeding me. And you.


Light is so nourishing to our physical bodies, and to our cells. It regulates our circadian rhythms, stimulates ATP production in the mitochondria of our cells (which increases energy), and creates vitamin D.

But it's also beneficial for our other subtle bodies, nurturing our continual journey from dark to light, from unconscious to conscious.


It is said that on the solstice eve, the entire energy grid of the planet moves into harmony, supporting all inhabitants as they prepare to shift in response to the increase in sunlight or decrease in sunlight, depending on which hemisphere you're in.


The summer solstice is a completion of a cycle that began at winter solstice, one in which the sun's light grows longer each day, nurturing seeds planted both in the soil and energetically in our subtle bodies.


What seeds did you plant last winter?

Now is the time to revisit your progress against those goals.


🔸 What patterns and conditioning did you decide you were ready to release?

🔸 Where are you holding on instead of letting go?

🔸 What trauma are you now ready to heal?

🔸 Where are you still hiding?

🔸 What relationship needs your attention?


Like other lost ways of our ancestors, I think there's much to be gained by following their lead in celebrating this astronomical event. It can be something as simple as pausing on this day and reflecting where you've been and where you want to go. It can be elaborate with an altar, a fire, or a ritual. Or it can be something in between.

If you need some ideas, try one of these:

🌱 Meditate - at sunrise or sunset - and go inward to reconnect with your natural rhythm

🌱 Journaling - use the questions, above, as prompts for exploring growth or holdbacks

🌱 Breathwork - use your breath to reconnect with Earth and her rhythms; see if you can sync your heartbeat with hers for a fabulous grounded and expansive experience

🌱 Oracle cards - pull cards in response to specific questions about the month ahead, the next chapter, or the path forward


Whatever you decide, be intentional.

Make it yours.

And let the light nourish you.


xo, Mitzi 

About Mitzi

Mitzi is an experienced quantum healer who has helped hundreds of women over the past 15 years to release old gunk and step into their power.

Experiencing firsthand the profound impact of healing old wounds, she uses the wisdom and tools she's gathered and devotes her work to helping women heal the layers that keep them trapped, silenced, and exhausted so they can finally feel safe, free, and seen.

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